The Nitty Gritty of 1099s

The Nitty Gritty of 1099s

What on earth is are 1099s? If you’ve always worked a normal job and received a W-2 from your employer, you may not be that familiar with these forms. These are essentially a different kind of information return than a W-2, but no less important. How it...
Smarter Business with QuickBooks

Smarter Business with QuickBooks

QuickBooks software has become the world’s largest self-employed and small business ecosystem. It connects millions of self-employed people, half a million accountants, and 5,000 app developers. This software is using developers to empower small business owners....
Shopify Winners Announced with Tony Robbins

Shopify Winners Announced with Tony Robbins

Where will your ambition take you? This year Shopify, today’s most popular ecommerce platform, partnered with top notch entrepreneur and life coach Tony Robbins. Together, they created a contest that would motivate, inspire, and uplift people to maximize their...
The Benefits of Working in the Cloud

The Benefits of Working in the Cloud

What exactly is working in the cloud? Using cloud based apps like Google Drive, Slack, Box and hundreds more, simply means – no more hard drives! You’re working on the internet. Businesses access their software through applications that store data on secure and remote...
17 Thoughts for the Successful Individual

17 Thoughts for the Successful Individual

According to T. Harv Eker, author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, there are 17 thought-provoking characteristics of the successful mindset, and 17 equally debilitating characteristics of the unsuccessful mind. T. Harv Eker, a man who has struggled financially for...